10 Unique VEX IQ Robot Designs to Inspire Your Creativity [2023]

Have you ever wondered what amazing robot designs you can create with VEX IQ? Well, look no further! In this article, we will explore 10 unique VEX IQ robot designs that will inspire your creativity and take your robotics skills to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced robotics enthusiast, these designs will surely captivate your imagination and push the boundaries of what you thought was possible with VEX IQ.

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

Looking for some unique VEX IQ robot designs to inspire your creativity? Here are 10 amazing designs that will push the boundaries of what you thought was possible with VEX IQ:

  1. The Robo-Spider
  2. The Mars Rover
  3. The Sumo Bot
  4. The Robotic Arm
  5. The Line Follower
  6. The Maze Solver
  7. The Soccer Bot
  8. The Balancing Robot
  9. The Battle Bot
  10. The Dancing Robot

Now, let’s dive into the details of each design and explore the possibilities!

Quick Tips and Facts

Before we delve into the exciting world of VEX IQ robot designs, here are some quick tips and facts to keep in mind:

  • VEX IQ is a versatile robotics platform that allows you to build and program your own robots.
  • The VEX IQ system includes a variety of sensors, motors, and structural elements that can be combined in countless ways.
  • VEX IQ robots can be programmed using the VEXcode software, which is beginner-friendly and offers both block-based and text-based coding options.
  • When designing your VEX IQ robot, consider the specific challenge or task you want it to accomplish. This will help guide your design choices and ensure that your robot is optimized for its intended purpose.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and think outside the box! VEX IQ offers endless possibilities for creativity and innovation.

Now that you have a basic understanding of VEX IQ, let’s explore some incredible robot designs that will inspire you to create your own masterpieces!


a pink sky with a plane flying in the sky

VEX IQ is a robotics platform designed for educational purposes. It was created by VEX Robotics, a leading provider of educational robotics kits and competitions. VEX IQ is specifically designed for students aged 8 to 14, providing them with a hands-on learning experience in robotics and engineering.

Design 1: The Robo-Spider

The Robo-Spider is a fascinating VEX IQ robot design that mimics the movements of a spider. With its eight legs and intricate joint mechanisms, this robot can crawl, climb, and even perform acrobatic maneuvers. The Robo-Spider is not only visually impressive but also a great example of how mechanical systems can be designed to replicate the movements of living creatures.

To build your own Robo-Spider, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Once you have gathered all the necessary components, follow these steps to build your Robo-Spider:

  1. Start by assembling the body of the spider using the VEX IQ structural elements. Make sure to create a sturdy base that can support the weight of the robot.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the body of the spider. These motors will control the movement of the legs.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will provide feedback on the position and orientation of the spider.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to control the movement of the legs. Experiment with different gaits and movements to bring your Robo-Spider to life!

The Robo-Spider is a fantastic project for those interested in robotics and biomimicry. It combines mechanical engineering principles with creative design to create a truly unique robot.

Design 2: The Mars Rover

The Mars Rover is a VEX IQ robot design inspired by the real-life rovers that explore the surface of Mars. This design showcases the versatility of VEX IQ and demonstrates how robots can be used for scientific exploration.

To build your own Mars Rover, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Mars Rover:

  1. Begin by building the chassis of the rover using the VEX IQ structural elements. Make sure to create a sturdy base that can withstand rough terrain.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement of the rover’s wheels.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will provide feedback on the rover’s environment, such as temperature and atmospheric conditions.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to navigate the simulated Martian terrain. Experiment with different algorithms and sensor inputs to optimize the rover’s performance.

The Mars Rover is an excellent project for those interested in space exploration and robotics. It allows you to simulate the challenges faced by real rovers and gain a deeper understanding of the engineering principles behind their design.

Design 3: The Sumo Bot

The Sumo Bot is a VEX IQ robot design specifically built for sumo wrestling competitions. This design emphasizes strength, agility, and strategic decision-making.

To build your own Sumo Bot, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Sumo Bot:

  1. Start by building a compact and robust chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be low to the ground to provide stability during the sumo wrestling matches.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement and pushing power of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect the presence of the opponent and help the robot make strategic decisions.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to implement various sumo wrestling strategies. Experiment with different sensor inputs and motor control algorithms to optimize your Sumo Bot’s performance.

The Sumo Bot is a thrilling project that combines engineering, programming, and strategy. It challenges you to design a robot that can outmaneuver and overpower its opponents in the confined sumo wrestling arena.

Design 4: The Robotic Arm

The Robotic Arm is a VEX IQ robot design that showcases the precision and versatility of VEX IQ. This design allows you to manipulate objects with a high degree of control and accuracy.

To build your own Robotic Arm, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Robotic Arm:

  1. Begin by building the base of the arm using the VEX IQ structural elements. The base should provide stability and support for the rest of the arm.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the base. These motors will control the movement of the arm’s joints.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will provide feedback on the position and orientation of the arm.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to control the movement of the arm. Experiment with different kinematic algorithms and control strategies to achieve precise and smooth motion.

The Robotic Arm is a fascinating project that allows you to explore the principles of robotics and automation. It can be used for various applications, such as picking and placing objects or performing delicate tasks.

Design 5: The Line Follower

The Line Follower is a classic VEX IQ robot design that uses sensors to follow a line on the ground. This design is a great introduction to programming and sensor integration.

To build your own Line Follower, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Line Follower:

  1. Start by building a simple chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be lightweight and maneuverable.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect the line on the ground and provide feedback for steering control.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to follow the line. Experiment with different control algorithms and sensor configurations to optimize the robot’s performance.

The Line Follower is a fun and educational project that introduces you to the concepts of sensor integration and closed-loop control. It challenges you to design a robot that can autonomously navigate a predefined path.

Design 6: The Maze Solver

The Maze Solver is a VEX IQ robot design that can navigate through complex mazes autonomously. This design combines sensor integration, path planning, and decision-making algorithms.

To build your own Maze Solver, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Maze Solver:

  1. Begin by building a compact and agile chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be able to navigate tight corners and narrow passages.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect walls and obstacles in the maze and provide feedback for path planning.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to navigate through the maze. Implement path planning algorithms, such as depth-first search or A* search, to find the optimal path to the goal.

The Maze Solver is a challenging project that combines robotics, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. It allows you to explore the concepts of autonomous navigation and decision-making in a fun and engaging way.

Design 7: The Soccer Bot

The Soccer Bot is a VEX IQ robot design that can play soccer autonomously. This design emphasizes teamwork, coordination, and strategic decision-making.

To build your own Soccer Bot, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Soccer Bot:

  1. Start by building a sturdy and agile chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be able to move quickly and change direction with ease.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement and kicking power of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect the position of the ball and the opponents, allowing the robot to make strategic decisions.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to play soccer autonomously. Implement algorithms for ball tracking, ball possession, and goal scoring to optimize your Soccer Bot’s performance.

The Soccer Bot is an exciting project that combines robotics, programming, and sports. It challenges you to design a robot that can work as part of a team and make split-second decisions on the soccer field.

Design 8: The Balancing Robot

The Balancing Robot is a VEX IQ robot design that can maintain its balance on two wheels. This design showcases the principles of control systems and stability.

To build your own Balancing Robot, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Balancing Robot:

  1. Begin by building a compact and lightweight chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be able to balance on two wheels without tipping over.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement and balance of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will provide feedback on the robot’s tilt and orientation.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to maintain its balance. Implement control algorithms, such as PID control, to adjust the motor outputs and keep the robot upright.

The Balancing Robot is a challenging project that requires a deep understanding of control systems and stability. It allows you to explore the principles of feedback control and learn how to design a robot that can maintain its balance in dynamic environments.

Design 9: The Battle Bot

The Battle Bot is a VEX IQ robot design built for intense robot battles. This design emphasizes strength, durability, and strategic decision-making.

To build your own Battle Bot, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Battle Bot:

  1. Start by building a robust and heavily armored chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be able to withstand impacts and protect the internal components.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement and weapon systems of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect the presence of opponents and provide feedback for strategic decision-making.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to implement various battle strategies. Experiment with different weapon systems and defensive maneuvers to outsmart and overpower your opponents.

The Battle Bot is an adrenaline-pumping project that combines engineering, programming, and strategy. It challenges you to design a robot that can survive the intense battles and come out victorious.

Design 10: The Dancing Robot

The Dancing Robot is a VEX IQ robot design that can groove to the beat of your favorite tunes. This design showcases the creativity and artistic expression that can be achieved with VEX IQ.

To build your own Dancing Robot, you will need the following VEX IQ components:

  • VEX IQ Brain
  • VEX IQ Smart Motors
  • VEX IQ Smart Sensors
  • VEX IQ Structural Elements

Follow these steps to construct your Dancing Robot:

  1. Begin by building a flexible and expressive chassis using the VEX IQ structural elements. The chassis should be able to move and twist in sync with the music.
  2. Attach the VEX IQ Smart Motors to the chassis. These motors will control the movement and dance routines of the robot.
  3. Connect the VEX IQ Smart Sensors to the brain of the robot. These sensors will detect the beat and rhythm of the music, allowing the robot to synchronize its movements.
  4. Program the robot using VEXcode to dance to the music. Implement algorithms for beat detection, motion planning, and choreography to create captivating dance routines.

The Dancing Robot is a fun and creative project that allows you to combine your love for robotics and music. It challenges you to design a robot that can express itself through movement and bring joy to those around it.


photo of girl laying left hand on white digital robot

What are the parts of VEX IQ robot?

A VEX IQ robot consists of several key components:

  1. VEX IQ Brain: The brain of the robot, which controls its behavior and processes sensor inputs.
  2. VEX IQ Smart Motors: Motors that provide power and control the movement of the robot.
  3. VEX IQ Smart Sensors: Sensors that detect and measure various aspects of the robot’s environment, such as distance, color, and orientation.
  4. VEX IQ Structural Elements: Building blocks that allow you to construct the physical structure of the robot.

Read more about “How to Make a Smart Robot at Home …”

What types of robots can you build with VEX IQ?

With VEX IQ, you can build a wide variety of robots, including:

  1. Robo-Spider: A robot that mimics the movements of a spider.
  2. Mars Rover: A robot inspired by the real-life rovers that explore the surface of Mars.
  3. Sumo Bot: A robot designed for sumo wrestling competitions.
  4. Robotic Arm: A robot that can manipulate objects with precision and accuracy.
  5. Line Follower: A robot that can follow a line on the ground autonomously.
  6. Maze Solver: A robot that can navigate through complex mazes autonomously.
  7. Soccer Bot: A robot that can play soccer autonomously.
  8. Balancing Robot: A robot that can maintain its balance on two wheels.
  9. Battle Bot: A robot built for intense robot battles.
  10. Dancing Robot: A robot that can dance to the beat of your favorite tunes.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities with VEX IQ are virtually endless!

What is the 2023 VEX IQ challenge?

The 2023 VEX IQ challenge is a robotics competition organized by VEX Robotics. Each year, VEX Robotics introduces a new challenge that teams of students must solve using VEX IQ robots. The challenge typically involves a specific task or objective that the robots must accomplish, such as navigating a maze, stacking objects, or scoring goals in a game.

The 2023 VEX IQ challenge will be announced at the beginning of the competition season, and teams will have several months to design, build, and program their robots to compete in regional and national tournaments.

How many motors can a VEX IQ robot have?

A VEX IQ robot can have up to 12 motors. The VEX IQ system supports a maximum of 12 Smart Motors, which can be used to control various aspects of the robot’s movement and functionality. However, it’s important to note that the number of motors used in a robot design will depend on the specific requirements of the task or challenge.


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Now go forth and unleash your creativity with VEX IQ! Happy building and programming!

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