How to Make a Cardboard Robot Without a Motor [2023]

Have you ever wanted to create your own robot using just cardboard and without the need for a motor? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a cardboard robot without a motor. It’s a fun and creative project that you can do with your kids or as a solo endeavor. So, let’s dive in and get started!

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

To make a cardboard robot without a motor, follow these steps:

  1. Gather your supplies, including cardboard, scissors, glue, and decorative materials.
  2. Design and cut out the head and torso of your robot.
  3. Create the sides of the robot using additional pieces of cardboard.
  4. Assemble the head, torso, and sides together using glue.
  5. Add details to your robot using decorative materials like beads, buttons, or markers.
  6. Make arms and legs for your robot using cardboard.
  7. Customize your robot by painting or decorating it further.

And there you have it! Your very own cardboard robot without a motor.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • Cardboard: Use sturdy cardboard for better durability.
  • Scissors: Sharp scissors or shears will make cutting easier.
  • Glue: Hot glue or tape can be used to assemble the robot.
  • Decorative Materials: Beads, gems, buttons, googley eyes, paper clips, decorative tape, and markers can be used to add details to your robot.

Now, let’s dive into the details of each step.


Cardboard robots have been a popular DIY project for many years. They offer a creative outlet for both kids and adults to explore their imagination and engineering skills. By using simple materials like cardboard, scissors, and glue, you can create a unique and personalized robot without the need for expensive motors or electronics.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start building your cardboard robot, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors or Shears
  • Pencil
  • Glue (hot glue or tape)
  • Decorative materials (beads, gems, buttons, googley eyes, paper clips, decorative tape, markers)

Step 2: Design and Cut Out the Head & Torso

The first step is to design and cut out the head and torso of your robot. Use a pencil to sketch the shape of the head and torso on the cardboard. Once you’re satisfied with the design, carefully cut it out using scissors or shears.

Step 3: Create the Sides

To create the sides of your robot, you’ll need additional pieces of cardboard. Cut out two rectangular pieces of cardboard that are the same height as the head and torso. These pieces will serve as the sides of your robot.

Step 4: Assemble the Head & Torso

Now it’s time to assemble the head, torso, and sides of your robot. Use glue or tape to attach the sides to the head and torso. Make sure everything is securely attached and aligned properly.

Step 5: Add Details

To give your robot some personality, add details using decorative materials. You can use beads, gems, buttons, googley eyes, paper clips, decorative tape, or markers to add eyes, buttons, or other features to your robot. Get creative and have fun with this step!

Step 6: Make Arms & Legs

To make arms and legs for your robot, cut out additional pieces of cardboard. These pieces should be long and narrow, resembling arms and legs. Attach them to the sides of your robot using glue or tape.

Step 7: Customize Your Robot

Once you’ve completed the basic structure of your robot, it’s time to customize it further. You can paint your robot using acrylic or spray paint, or use markers to add more details. Get creative and make your robot unique!


blue plastic robot toy

How to make a robot out of cardboard step by step?

To make a robot out of cardboard step by step, follow these steps:

  1. Gather your supplies, including cardboard, scissors, glue, and decorative materials.
  2. Design and cut out the head and torso of your robot.
  3. Create the sides of the robot using additional pieces of cardboard.
  4. Assemble the head, torso, and sides together using glue.
  5. Add details to your robot using decorative materials like beads, buttons, or markers.
  6. Make arms and legs for your robot using cardboard.
  7. Customize your robot by painting or decorating it further.

Read more about “How to Make a Robot with Cardboard …”

How can a kid make a simple robot at home?

Kids can make a simple robot at home using cardboard and basic craft supplies. Here’s a simplified version of the steps:

  1. Gather supplies: cardboard, scissors, glue, and decorative materials.
  2. Design and cut out the head and torso of the robot.
  3. Create the sides using additional pieces of cardboard.
  4. Assemble the head, torso, and sides together using glue.
  5. Add details using decorative materials like buttons or markers.
  6. Customize the robot with paint or additional decorations.

Read more about “How to Make a Robot for School Project Easy? …”

How to build a simple robot?

To build a simple robot, follow these steps:

  1. Gather your supplies, including cardboard, scissors, glue, and decorative materials.
  2. Design and cut out the head and torso of your robot.
  3. Create the sides of the robot using additional pieces of cardboard.
  4. Assemble the head, torso, and sides together using glue.
  5. Add details to your robot using decorative materials like beads, buttons, or markers.
  6. Make arms and legs for your robot using cardboard.
  7. Customize your robot by painting or decorating it further.

Read more about “How to Build Robots Step by Step …”

How to build a robot human for beginners?

Building a robot human for beginners can be a fun and educational project. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Gather your supplies, including cardboard, scissors, glue, and decorative materials.
  2. Design and cut out the head and torso of your robot human.
  3. Create the sides of the robot using additional pieces of cardboard.
  4. Assemble the head, torso, and sides together using glue.
  5. Add details to your robot human using decorative materials like beads, buttons, or markers.
  6. Make arms and legs for your robot human using cardboard.
  7. Customize your robot human by painting or decorating it further.

Read more about “How to Make a Smart Robot at Home …”


Making a cardboard robot without a motor is a fun and creative project that anyone can enjoy. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your very own unique robot using simple materials like cardboard, scissors, and glue. Let your imagination run wild and have fun customizing your robot with decorative materials. So, grab your supplies and get started on your cardboard robot adventure today!

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