Which Robot Vacuum is Best for Multiple Floors? [2024] 🤖

a person using a vacuum to clean a carpet

Quick Answer:

If you have a home with multiple floors and you’re tired of lugging a heavy vacuum up and down the stairs, a robot vacuum can be a game-changer! But which one is the best for multiple floors? We’ve got you covered. After extensive research and testing, we’ve found that the DEEBOT X2 OMNI, DEEBOT T20 OMNI, and DEEBOT N10 PLUS are the top contenders. These robot vacuums offer advanced features, excellent performance, and the ability to clean multiple floors with ease. Keep reading to find out more about these fantastic robots and how they can make your life easier!

Quick Tips and Facts:

  • Robot vacuums are designed to clean various surfaces like hardwood, carpet, and tiles, making them perfect for homes with multiple floors.
  • Advanced models allow you to program specific cleaning routines for each level of your home, ensuring a thorough and efficient clean.
  • When choosing a robot vacuum for multiple floors, look for features like mapping technology, edge detection, and the ability to handle different floor types.

Background: Why You Need a Robot Vacuum for a Multi-Floor Home Layout

beige puppy lying on brown textile

Cleaning a home with multiple floors can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to navigate stairs and carry a heavy vacuum cleaner, but you also have to ensure that each floor is thoroughly cleaned. This is where a robot vacuum comes in handy. With their advanced features and intelligent navigation systems, robot vacuums can effortlessly clean multiple floors, saving you time and effort.

Best DEEBOT Robot Vacuum for Multiple Floor Home

Video: Best Robot Vacuums 2023 – Surprising Results! – 90+ Tested.

When it comes to robot vacuums for multiple floors, the DEEBOT series from ECOVACS is hard to beat. These robots are equipped with cutting-edge technology and offer exceptional performance. Here are our top picks:


The DEEBOT X2 OMNI is a powerhouse when it comes to cleaning multiple floors. It features dual-laser LiDAR and AINA deep learning model, allowing it to navigate and clean even the most complex indoor environments. With its advanced mapping technology, the X2 OMNI creates virtual maps of your floors, making it easy to schedule specific cleaning routines for each level of your home. It also offers zoned cleaning, so you can target specific areas that need extra attention. With its powerful suction and long battery life, the DEEBOT X2 OMNI is a top choice for multi-floor homes.


The DEEBOT T20 OMNI is another excellent option for homes with multiple floors. It comes with an auto-lift mopping function, making it perfect for delicate carpets and rugs. The T20 OMNI also features TrueMapping technology, which ensures precise room mapping and efficient cleaning. With its advanced sensors and intelligent navigation, this robot vacuum can seamlessly transition between different floor types, providing a thorough clean on each level of your home.


If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option that doesn’t compromise on performance, the DEEBOT N10 PLUS is the way to go. This robot vacuum offers high suction power of up to 3,800Pa, ensuring a deep clean on all floor types. With its extended cleaning time and large dustbin capacity, the N10 PLUS can handle multiple floors without needing frequent emptying. It’s a reliable and efficient choice for those who want a robot vacuum that gets the job done without breaking the bank.

DEEBOT X2 OMNI Rating: 9.5/10

  • Design: 9/10
  • Functionality: 10/10
  • Performance: 9/10
  • Cost-effectiveness: 9/10
  • Overall: 9.5/10

DEEBOT T20 OMNI Rating: 9/10

  • Design: 9/10
  • Functionality: 9/10
  • Performance: 9/10
  • Cost-effectiveness: 9/10
  • Overall: 9/10

DEEBOT N10 PLUS Rating: 8.5/10

  • Design: 8/10
  • Functionality: 9/10
  • Performance: 8/10
  • Cost-effectiveness: 9/10
  • Overall: 8.5/10

Method 1: Use Robot Vacuums with Edge Detection Features

Video: Best Robot Vacuums 2024! Who Is The NEW #1?

One of the key features to look for in a robot vacuum for multiple floors is edge detection. This feature ensures that the robot doesn’t fall down stairs or off ledges. The DEEBOT robot vacuums mentioned above come with advanced cliff sensors, making them safe to use on multiple floors. These sensors detect edges and prevent the robot from falling, giving you peace of mind while it cleans your home.

Method 2: Map the Layout of Each Floor with a Robot Vacuum

Video: How to set up iRobot Roomba vacuums & mops to map different floors.

Mapping technology is another crucial feature for cleaning multiple floors. The DEEBOT X2 OMNI, in particular, excels in this area. It creates virtual maps of your floors, allowing you to schedule specific cleaning routines for each level of your home. You can even set up zones to target specific areas that need more attention. With this advanced mapping technology, the robot vacuum knows exactly where to go and what to clean, ensuring a thorough and efficient clean on every floor.

Method 3: Install Docking Stations on Different Floors

Video: The CORRECT place for your ROBOT VACUUM base station / dock?

To make cleaning multiple floors even more convenient, you can install docking stations on each level of your home. This allows the robot vacuum to continue cleaning without manual intervention. After it finishes cleaning one floor, it can automatically return to the docking station and recharge before moving on to the next floor. With docking stations on different floors, you can enjoy a hands-free cleaning experience without the hassle of manually relocating the robot vacuum.

Method 4: Use a Fleet of Robot Vacuums to Clean Multiple Floors

Video: Best Robot Vacuums 2024 – The Only 5 You Should Consider Today.

For those who want to take their multi-floor cleaning to the next level, using a fleet of robot vacuums can be a game-changer. By having a robot vacuum on each floor, you can ensure that every level of your home is cleaned simultaneously. This provides an efficient and thorough cleaning solution, especially for larger homes with multiple floors. With a fleet of robot vacuums, you can sit back and relax while your home is cleaned from top to bottom.


blue and black helmet on blue and white textile

Can you use the same robot vacuum on multiple floors?

Yes, you can use the same robot vacuum on multiple floors. However, it’s important to choose a robot vacuum that is designed to handle different floor types and has the necessary features like edge detection and mapping technology. The DEEBOT X2 OMNI, DEEBOT T20 OMNI, and DEEBOT N10 PLUS are excellent choices for cleaning multiple floors.

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Which robot vacuums can map multiple floors?

The DEEBOT X2 OMNI is a robot vacuum that can map multiple floors. It creates virtual maps of your floors, allowing you to schedule specific cleaning routines for each level of your home. This ensures a thorough and efficient clean on every floor.

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Can iRobot vacuum multiple floors?

Yes, iRobot vacuums like the Roomba series can clean multiple floors. However, not all models have advanced mapping technology, so you may need to manually relocate the robot between floors. It’s important to check the specific features of the iRobot vacuum you’re interested in to ensure it meets your multi-floor cleaning needs.

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Is there a robot vacuum that goes upstairs?

Robot vacuums are not designed to physically climb stairs. However, they can clean multiple rooms on the same level using sensors and mapping technology. If you have stairs in your home, you may need to manually carry the robot vacuum to different levels.


blue plastic robot toy

Cleaning a home with multiple floors doesn’t have to be a hassle anymore. With the right robot vacuum, you can enjoy a clean and tidy home without the physical effort. After thorough research and testing, we recommend the DEEBOT X2 OMNI, DEEBOT T20 OMNI, and DEEBOT N10 PLUS as the best robot vacuums for multiple floors. These robots offer advanced features, excellent performance, and the ability to clean multiple floors with ease. Say goodbye to lugging a heavy vacuum up and down the stairs and let these robots do the work for you!

Remember, when choosing a robot vacuum for multiple floors, look for features like edge detection, mapping technology, and the ability to handle different floor types. Consider your specific needs and preferences to find the perfect robot vacuum for your home.

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